April 18, 2021 Dear Members, As the days get longer and the temperatures rise, we feel the beginnings of spring and a new flying season. While we have hopes for a better year in 2021, it saddens me to announce the cancellation of our spring Seaplane Safety Seminar. I know a lot of you, like myself, enjoy seeing friends, sharing information about upgrades and new equipment in our airplanes, and talking about our plans for the summer. Unfortunately, the threat of COVID is still a real one. Given the municipality’s guidelines for gatherings, lack of appropriate venue, and concerns for our members, we cannot in good conscience go forward with an in-person seminar. Afterall we are a safety focused organization. Holding an in-person seminar with the numbers we could expect would not be in line with our emphasis on safety. A six-hour virtual seminar is also unrealistic, as we are empathetic to the “zoom” burnout many of you are feeling. Thank you for understanding that our efforts extend to keeping our members safe from illness and worse. We are working on developing several one-hour virtual safety sessions that can be viewed live or replayed at your convenience. Standby for announcements about those sessions and have a safe summer. We encourage you to take the six hours of time you would have spent at the seminar and do some touch and goes, practice some stalls, review your POH, or watch some safety videos online. If all goes well with efforts to vaccinate, social distance, and limit the spread of COVID, we will see you at a AASF safety seminar this fall. Until then, stay safe, get vaccinated, and let’s continue to look out for each other. Fly safe, Harry